Week 4 - LSD
I was intrigued by research findings regarding the crystalline structure of LSD and its attachment to serotonin receptors. Unlike many other euphoric drugs, such as ecstasy, and unlike SSRI's used for depression, LSD does not effect the release of serotonin nor its breakdown and re-uptake. Instead this research shows that it mimics the effects of serotonin. With LSD the system does not get flooded by serotonin and therefore does not undergo habituation or sensitization. It may be for this reason that it is not known to be addictive. A non-addictive drug that produces euphoria? What could be bad? There are always so many concerns expressed about drugs that produce a change in mental or spiritual perspective. The goal of research appears to be related to how we can take advantage of LSD's benefits without having a "euphoric," or mind altering experience. Even in class we very seriously discuss...